**Last Updated:** 2025-03-04
We collect authentication data through Apple and Google sign-in but do not store names or profile details. We also collect anonymous analytics and technical data such as device information and crash reports.
We use collected data to operate and improve Pawfect Edit. We do not use data for marketing or share it with third parties except for operational purposes.
We use third-party analytics and cloud services to monitor performance and troubleshoot errors. These services process data securely.
For EU Users (GDPR): You have the right to access, correct, delete, restrict, and object to data processing. You may also request data portability.
For California Users (CCPA): You may request access to or deletion of personal data and opt out of data sharing.
To exercise these rights, contact us at privacy@pawfectedit.app.
We use encryption and secure servers to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, contact us at privacy@pawfectedit.app.